Joe Burkhart

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So far Joe Burkhart has created 48 blog entries.

6 Common Residential Roofing Myths

2024-09-02T01:11:38-05:00April 23rd, 2024|Roofing|

Talk to an average person and they’ll undoubtedly share one of the many common roofing myths. Believing these roofing myths can be costly for a homeowner. Today, I want to explain the six most common residential roofing myths and tell you how to avoid them. The 6 common residential roofing myths 1. Repairing my

Can You Roof Over Existing Shingles?

2024-09-02T01:11:47-05:00April 23rd, 2024|Roofing|

I get a lot of the same repeated questions from customers. One of the most common questions I get asked is “Can you roof over my existing shingles?” This question usually comes from a homeowner looking to save some money by reducing the workload required of a re-roof. As a homeowner, it’s always nice

7 Steps to Inspecting Your Midwest Roof

2024-09-02T01:11:54-05:00April 23rd, 2024|Roofing, Tips|

Inspecting a Midwest roof yearly is a preventative maintenance job every homeowner should prioritize. Before you read any further, make a reminder for yourself to check your roof during an upcoming warm day here in the Midwest. It’s a fantastic method to spot potential roofing issues. If you're afraid of heights, grab a pair

13 Inexpensive Home Improvement Ideas (When You’re Stuck at Home)

2024-09-02T01:12:02-05:00April 23rd, 2024|Guides|

If you feel yourself getting a little stir crazy then why don’t you take this time to tackle your home to-do list? It’s the perfect way to keep your mind occupied during these uncertain times. We’ve compiled a list of thirteen inexpensive home improvement ideas you can tackle while you’re stuck at home. Four

4 Ways You Could Be Scammed by Shady Roofers

2024-09-02T01:12:08-05:00April 23rd, 2024|Tips|

It won’t be long before the spring storms begin to roll through here in the Midwest. Before they hit, we wanted to highlight some ways you could be scammed by shady roofers, especially those dishonest contractors that come knocking at your door. Unfortunately, there are too many less-than-honorable contractors who will try any means

5 Questions to Ask a Prospective Midwest Roofing Company

2024-09-02T01:12:16-05:00April 23rd, 2024|Guides, Roofing|

As with any home repair, you might be tempted to hire the first roofing company you find or accept a friend’s recommendation. But too many homeowners have been burned by not doing a little due diligence before hiring. Prior to agreeing to their terms or signing a contract, you should vet the roofing company

How to Know if You Should Remove Snow From Your Roof

2024-09-02T01:15:17-05:00April 23rd, 2024|Roofing|

So far, it hasn’t been a very white winter here in central Iowa. But with plenty of winter left, snow is undoubtedly in the near forecast. As a homeowner, you might have pondered, "Should you remove snow from your roof?" and how to do it safely. Before you consider removing the snow from your

3 Simple Ways to Keep Your Gutters Flowing This Winter

2024-09-02T01:18:43-05:00April 23rd, 2024|Gutters, Tips|

Homeowners frequently consider their gutters during the rainy seasons of summer and spring. However, to keep your gutters flowing this winter, it's crucial to recognize their importance in safeguarding your home during the colder months as well. Regularly cleaning your gutters helps keep things flowing nicely. But a melting blanket of snow can lead

How to Maintain Your Gutters This Fall

2024-09-02T01:18:50-05:00April 23rd, 2024|Guides, Gutters|

This time of year is filled with pumpkin spice, apple cider, and the beautiful colors of autumn. Along with the crisp fall air in the midwest reminding us of the upcoming winter, it's essential to know how to maintain your gutters this fall. Ensure your October is full of treats and no tricks with

What New Homeowners Should Know About the Roof

2024-09-02T01:18:56-05:00April 23rd, 2024|Roofing|

Homeownership is one of the most exciting parts of your adult life. But it also provides a lot of responsibility. Among other things, you have a yard to landscape, a sidewalk to clear, and a roof to maintain. Making sure the roof over your head is in good shape is an important part of

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